الأربعاء، 17 أكتوبر 2012

God is reasonably Here

The Issue of the presence of God, the Almighty,for Muslim philosophers such as Canadian and Farabi, Ibn Siena and Ibn Rushed is precedent in their  minds to any evidences , but they resorted to the reasonable  evidence just to confirm His existence,otherwise ;one cannot seek proof for what did not come to one’s mind in the main... And the first evidence they sought is the  Cosmological Proof in that the universe, including the  accurate system of laws which don not come to chaos means that behind the world is a wise Creator called by the  German philosopher , Leibniz ,The Great Mathematician; as He is the one who formulated the mathematical laws  in the universe.It is not possible that Those laws have come into being on random or by  coincidence ...For example,the ordered sunset and sunrise  millions of years ago is not possible to be a coincidence .Let us  Suppose the Sun itself has come without a Creator  as the atheists claim ,  then why laws of the Sunset and Sunrise have not come to chaos which can call it a coincidence?!! .. . It has been said long ago  that  throwing haphazardly  the alphabetical  letters cannot form  a poem to Shakespeare, for instance .. The evidence of the existence of a  wise Creator behind this universe is the continuation of this miraculous  system in the universe ; namely ,the  Universal Harmony .The common sense says that the coincidence, if  there was any ,must  be applicable to both of  the regularity and irregularity of the laws because The Continuity of Nature tells that there is a mind behind it impeding its chaos . Coincidence  is random and random is the opposite of order .... There is also what is known as the  Ontological evidence which handles the issue of the   Abstract Existence .... If we think about the mere logical existence , just being, we shall find that the existences are either "Necessary" or” possible,Contingent “or “ Impossible "...The Necessary being is that  which you cannot but admit its presence  ; in other words , your  reasonable faculty is  compelled to acknowledge its existence  and if you assume other than that , a logical absurdity arises . The Necessary is called a Substance which is  an existent thing that does not require any cause to exist outside of itself .The Contingent or Possible being is that which causes no logical absurdity if you supposed its existence or non existence . The Impossible is that if you  assumed its existence a logical impossibility arose . if you look at the Universe with all its events,you will find that theses   events are located of within the   
the possible events which are caused by others outside of themselves.Let us suppose that  if the event number “ five “ has been caused by the event number “ four ‘which is in its turn caused by the event number “ three”and this by number “ two” and number two by “one” , then we must ask : who has caused the event number one.The pure Reason must lead us that all the universe events must be caused by  a Necessary uncaused cause ,namely  God.Those people of pure natural natures believe undoubtedly in the existence of God  ; but those who are skeptic about His existence, if they are not one hundred per cent sure of his existence,  tend to affirm Him. It is wonder to me that there are people who negate GOD ; THAT THERE ARE ATHEISTS  .There is no any more any of the scientific or logical evidences which negate the existence of God .I think they deny His existence as they do not want any duties to be imposed by Him to them ; they want to be free from an restraint whatever .I think that the really sage,sensible are those who take precautions and thus believe in god lest they should be taken aback by the Judgment Day about which they don not think…Allah says  “those unbelievers whose works are as mirage  which is thought as water by the thirsty  so that when he comes near it find nothing but Allah who gave him strict account"       

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