I have said before that we, humans, have tied the targets set for Nature with our own benefits , and that this is the very teleological religious thinking.People have long thought that events of nature that bring benefits to them has its goals so set to be so beneficial to them . In return, people have believed that the inconveniences of Nature "from volcanoes, earthquakes, storms and epidemics have occurred due to the wrath of God against humans for their negligence in worship or committing sins . Although daily events,thus Spinoza alleged,refute this way of thinking that disasters befall the godly and the ungodly alike , people do not admit that as it is easier for them not to recognize that. Spinoza explains their non-acknowledgement that they would prefer to remain ignorant of truth and to put those incidents within a set of events which have unknown benefits to them to give up their philosophy that they live by.Thus, they justify their ignorance of the real causes of the incidents of Nature that " The Judgments of God" are above human reason ;therefore, Spinoza mocks this approach in thinking and say, "while they were taking God's wisdom haven of ignorance of the real causes of things, truths had been hidden from the human race till Descartes came with his mathematical laws .It is noteworthy to say that the idea of "Teleological Final Causes" is as old as human existence, but its philosophy came with " Aristotle" who said that the existence causes of things are four: Efficient Cause, which makes things happen, and Material Cause, which is raw matter from which things are made , and Formal Cause, which grants the things their forms so that they can be seen in dimensions, and Final Cause,which answers your question: " for what purpose a thing is made? .. For example, the chair I sit upon, its efficient cause is carpenter, and its raw material cause are wood,glue and nails, and its formal cause is the image and dimensions it has, and its final cause is sitting on it ... To say that Nature has final causes and these final causes are ,in their turn, beneficial to humans is just an illusion figment of the human mind.To show the absurdity of this way of handling natural phenomena,Spinoza gives the following example : if a stone fell from a balcony above the head of a passer by and then kill him, that the stone, according to their method of thinking, have dropped to kill that passer by , though not so, how many accidents met by chance?!!!!!! If you answered : that this was due to wind and that the man had to cross from that very road and thus happened what had happened,so there is no need to assume the existence of God and the will of him, but it is nature and its laws, they would interrupt and ask:Why the winds blew at that time in particular , and why the man took that particular route, and why he went in that particular time?!!!!! If you answered: that the wind had swept at that time because of the irritation of sea before yesterday and weather before it was quiet, and that the man was walking in the way in particular to respond to an invitation from a friend friend in that way .. they will not be convinced and will keep wondering: Why the call of the friend was in that given time, and the sea surged at the same time and in this way?!!!!!!!!!!! They will take you from a final cause to another till you can but surrender and take the will of God , which can not be understood in any way,as a refuge from them..... The bottom line is that Spinoza does not believe in the existence of God as isolated from ,high above physical nature and accidents, but nature, according to him, is his body and we are some of His parts and conscienceness and laws in nature represent His mind.For Spinoza, Nature runs voluntarily according to strict laws which does not favor any one ... . If the passer by had not passed the road in the previous example, beneath the balcony of the house, the stone would have fallen at the same time it fell ; the laws do not favour a believer offering sacrifices to God nor defy atheist sinner ... it has been possible for a jewel to fall in front of an atheist sinner, does God, in that case ,favour that atheist?!! ..If not , then what is the cause in the opinion of the adherents of the final cause??! ... If they were ignorant of cause, why then rushing to the unseen which we cannot verify which is, in their view, the transcendent wisdom of God?!! .... Spinoza says that this explanation of the incidents of Nature is not acceptable as it does not lead us to uncover new about the laws running in the universe.Yet, Spinoza wonder: what is the origin of ideas built in humans such as "beauty and ugliness, good and evil, order and disorder all virtues and vices?? ........ Spinoza says: As early humans persuaded themselves that the incidents of Nature have been created for their own welfare, they started to describe what is beneficial to them as " Good "and those that do not fit their welfare as "Evil" .Also, organized things are "Well-ordered" virtue and the things unorganized are" Disordered ",Vicious as they make them feel upset and Uneasiness .... They also describe things that hurt their noses as " Evilly-smelling", and in contrast, the things,conducive to health as" Fragrant" ".Also , sounds that hurt the ear and cause discord are called " Noises" ; those relaxing nerves " Music ".Even , Pythagoras believed that the movements of heavenly spheres produces cosmic harmony or music which pleases God !!! ....
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