Nietzsche, 1861 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
First of all, I feel no embarrassment when I say that I love Nietzsche, that I feel what he felt towards Christianity which grew more and more corrupt. Neither do I feel ashamed when I say I would have done like him had I been a Christian, so I thank god for he had destined to create me as I am, as a Muslim .This is a blessing which has no match in the world .The first time I heard of Nietzsche and of his rejection of Christianity I felt sick of him, so sick that I abhorred that type of philosopher who called for atheism and set out to preach atheism to people. However, when I read Nietzsche, read Thus Spake Zara and learned more about Christianity, I grew convinced of Nietzsche's right thought and attitude towards corrupt Christianity.
Nietzsche was brought up in a household of women after his father died of a fall when he first was only four years old. The only other child at home was his sister Elizabeth, who dedicated herself to serve him throughout his life, and who wrote good memoirs after his death. That womanish upbringing affected his psychology, especially when he knew that they intended to prepare him to be a minister. The very name of a minister carried abhorrent suggestions to him, particularly when his mates at school called him as "the little minister". As he matured with the passing of years ,he developed critical view of Christianity which ended with rejecting Christianity altogether and becoming an atheist .It has been hinted that he contracted syphilis when he went on a nocturnal expedition which led to his ill health later on; yet this is not proved until now.
Nietzsche was a student with unusual gifts thanks to which he, at the very early age of twenty-four, was called to a chair of classical philology at the University of Basel in Switzerland. One of the accidents which affected his health badly was his fall from his horse in the Austro-Prussian war which gave him a serious injury in the chest. It is also said that the horrible sights of the injured and dead whom he attended in the war have caused him nervous shock from which he never fully recovered. Nietzsche, from that time on, began to suffer from terrible headache, eyestrain, insomania and indigestion which compelled him to quit his professorship. Now, let us ask a question: was Nietzsche right when he converted from the corrupt Christianity to atheism? The answer is, from my view at least, no, at all. He simply rejected Christianity as it calls him to love and accept his weak, ill health; in other words, Christianity encourages and gives benediction to, the weak, disabled, and sickly and poor. Therefore, Christianity was but a call for "non-existence and death which the "preachers of death" spread among people. He wonders very much when those preachers of death "despise the body and earthly things at the time they believe in the "redeeming blood drops" which are originally from earth! Those preachers, in fact, are but hypocrites as they preach what they do not practice; they accumulate wealth while they praise poverty, they preach chastity while they are immersed in lust and damn this trivial profane world while they tightly cling to it.
Nietzsche , in as much as I understood his personality ,abhorred his weakness, his impotence and his sickly frame and abhorred much more whatever or whoever praises and gives benediction to his ill frame ,so he detested christianity.He is ,I think, the type of person who loves and greatens in others what he lacks ; therefore, he called for the reversion to the Greek style of living which had no room for the sickly and weak. He called for the "Superman" which is the next link to be sought after man; the superman can come true only when people reject the idea of God and believe heartily in the superman. Nietzsche wishes that people revive the old Greek affirmation of the "will to live" and reject that "denial of the will to live" which Christianity has long preached to them. When he says in his book "Thus spake Zarathustra" that "God is dead", he means that no one still believes in that God who asks people to practice self denial and stifle their natural needs. He thinks that Christianity as originally taught by Jesus was bad and it was even become worse by Paul and the followers after him. It nullified the old Greek ideals and values; also, it is not valid for modern man who should be free spirit, self assertive and self reliant. People ,according to him , is in need of a transvaluation of all values by rejecting totally all of the current values of Christianity,utilitarianism,democracy and socialism and revert back to the old Greek values of nobility and aristocracy. Nietzsche believes that the Greek word "Arête" which means "virtue" is derived from "Ares" the god of war, but the earlier cunning week Christians altered its suggestions to suit their new teachings so that they could justify their weakness. For the old Greeks, the word "virtuous" or "good" meant the splendid, rich, mighty lords and rulers. The low, poor, suffering, sick, ugly impotent and poor classes attached to manual work to serve the masters were called bad by their masters, but they were still good as they thought of themselves.
According to Nietzsche ,the weak,srvile classes ,headed by the priests who long wished to have the upper hand, had a complete triumph with Christianity ,which vilipended the soldiery and manly qualities of courage and self assertion,honour and appreciation of beauty and replace them with pity,meekness,gentleness,submissiveness,pacifism,preservation of the stupid, lame, blind and incompetent. Nietzsche claims that Christianity was invented by the Jews, the slavish people who despised their manly invaders and who were cunning enough to reject Christianity for themselves, and by so doing they easily tricked the Romans into embrace it .The real, hidden goal of Christianity is the hope of the slaves to wreak vengeance against their masters and complete lordship over them.
Now, this is Nietzsche's view of Christianity and I even sympathize with him not because he denied the existence of God but because he rejected Christianity. Really, many more people have, from Nietzsche's time till now, converted to Islam and rejected Christianity. It is unreasonable as it contradicts with life and instinct of man as it motivates people to practices austerity and even celibacy. Islam, thanks to God, does not call for self denial and abstinence from pleasures of life; in other words, it is a realigon compatible with human nature as God says in the holy Quran, "Is not He known of that He has created, and He is the most kind and omniscient?". So, I say to any atheist who rejected Christianity, "I congratulate you, you are on your way to Islam; you are a sensible person to reject the corrupt and unreasonable Christianity.Untill now, you believe that "there is no god" and this is the very half of the Islamic shahada or confession as the other half is "but God". I think your powerful reasonable faculty which made you abandon Christianity is capable of guiding you to "There is no god except God"….
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